**** EDIT MAY 2024:  The below is no longer as relevant as when we were amid the pandemic, but should you want us to follow any of the below when we visit your property, please let us know and we will be happy to do so. After Covid-19, things had to change, and how we all worked at the time went remote and virtual.

Now we are starting to get back to some kind of normality, we are back to doing face-to-face meetings and appointments, however, we are still able to do virtual appointments if needed, so please ask us if you would prefer this. ****

Face to Face Market Appraisal (Valuation)

If you are happy for us to come to your home, to carry out a face-to-face Market Appraisal (valuation), then we will arrive at the agreed time to carry out the valuation safely and in accordance with government guidelines.

Before we visit we will have a telephone call with you so that we can establish your needs for selling and get to know you.  On this call, we will ask you for some details and information about your property – so that we can have as much information as possible beforehand to help us conduct some market research into your home.  With this information, we will then be able to offer you the best advice when we meet, and together we can reach an informed and accurate market value for your home.  

Your opinion matters. If you already have a number in mind, please feel free to share this with us, we are here to work together with you, as a team and we will be very happy to discuss this with you.

We will compile a list of comparable properties (these are properties similar to yours which have sold in the area in recent years) which we will send to you prior to our appointment (this will be done on both face-to-face and virtual appointments) this can really help us work together to set a realistic market price for your property.  

We won’t be bringing any paper copies with us on the appointment so everything will be emailed to you prior to the appointment so that you can compile your own questions to ask us at the meeting.

Virtual Market Appraisal (Valuations)

Working virtually can limit contact and ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible. 

We are able to call you in a number of ways, be it via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Google Meet or Zoom and speak to you via video call so that we can still see each other, albeit virtually, and you can show us your property* on your screen and talk us through it while keeping us all safe.

As with our face-to-face valuations, detailed above, we will call you prior to the appointment to gather some information to help us to do our research. This will again be emailed to you prior to the call to enable you to compile your questions to ask us.

On the call, we will:

  • Ask you to show us around your home via the video link.  We will ask you to walk us through the inside and the outside of the property and ask you questions as we go.
  • Give you an update on the local and also the national market and go through our valuation of your property and our rationale for the figure we have arrived at.
  • Explain our full service, what we do for you and how we work, and we will discuss our selling fees for your home.
  • Follow up our call with a valuation report which will have, in writing, our market appraisal of your property, and our fees.

If you do have a property which is a little more unusual or complex, or we were unable to see all of the property (for example the internet does not work outside and you own a lot of land) then we may suggest an additional, socially distanced, in-person valuation.  This is so we give you the best advice and most accurate appraisal of your home.

Book your free, no-obligation market appraisal here. We will call you to discuss this and answer any questions you may have and help you prepare for the valuation.  

*If none of the above apps for a virtual valuation will work for you, but you would still like to have a virtual valuation, please let us know and we will work with you to find a solution.