Booking removers? A word of caution!

Completing on your new home is an exciting time – probably one of the most exciting times in your life. But it’s also a very busy time, trying to juggle all of the checks and paperwork needed, alongside things like choosing new furniture, booking removal companies and telling friends and family your new address!
With the housing market starting to pick up again, read on for a couple of words of caution about confirming your removal company and avoiding costly complications.
What’s going on?
Over the past few months we’ve had quite a few incidents where buyers and sellers are discussing and agreeing their completion and moving in dates between themselves. This is not something that can be decided this way and results in additional expense if you need to pay the removal company for a cancelled booking.
It’s great when buyers and sellers get on and feel comfortable speaking with each other, but when it comes to the timeline of the sale and the specific legal steps, it is only the solicitors doing the conveyancing who can confirm when the sale will complete and the moving in date can be confirmed.
To try to help our buyers avoid having to cancel a removal company and pay the associated costs, these are our top tips…
- Keep in regular touch with your solicitor
It may sound obvious, but it’s vital to keep in touch with your solicitor throughout the buying process. This will not only ensure that you know how your sale/purchase is progressing, but it will also work as an extra incentive to your solicitor to help push the process through. It also means that you hear about any delays as soon as possible, so you can factor this into your plans and look at anything you can do to resolve any problems.
- Don’t be tempted to agree a date with the buyer/seller
Many buyers and sellers discover that they get on very well and will work together to answer any questions or discuss any issues. This can be great and give reassurance all round, but it’s important not to put this ahead of the official processes. It’s only the solicitors that are doing the conveyancing that can confirm the completion date, so don’t jump ahead because you think everything is going smoothly – unfortunately delays are always possible.
- Speak to your estate agent
Keeping in touch with your estate agent will help you understand the processes involved in completing your property sale/purchase. We pride ourselves on the relationships we build with our clients and we work with specialist Prime Progression to ensure your sale is pushed through. Prime Progression chases up solicitors, ensuring searches are completed as quickly as possible, and generally keeps the whole sales process on track. As a result, we can give you accurate updates on where your sale/purchase is up to, helping you plan your move more accurately. You can also read more about the whole sales process and what happens when an offer is accepted in this blog.
- Communicate with your preferred removal company
Speak to friends, family and search online for recommended removal companies that offer the range of services you need. Once you’ve chosen who you’d like to work with and have agreed the price, then discuss with them what happens if your moving date has to change. Make sure you understand any additional costs you’ll incur if timings slip, and be clear on the procedure – do you book a provisional date, when do you need to confirm by and so on. Put simply, inform yourself of all the facts, and agree on the best way forward so you understand what is – and what isn’t – possible.
- Don’t confirm the removal date until you’re sure
It is only your solicitors who can confirm your completion date, so don’t be tempted to confirm your removal date until you know that date. Even if your buyer/seller says that their estate agent has confirmed the date, check it yourself with your solicitors before you proceed and save yourself time, money and stress!
Get in touch with us if you’d like to discuss your property sale or purchase.